Our laws are based on moral and ethical principles that are at the very foundation of our society, and the social contract that exists between us all is in the pursuit of a collective idea for the common good of everyone in society. As such, the concept of right and wrong is not hard to understand, and the choices that people make when exercising their free will should have consequences when they stray from the common good.

And yet they don’t. According to Statistics Canada, violent crime is up 50% in the last 9 years in Canada. In Burnaby, it’s up 17% in the first quarter of 2024 from last year alone (on top of previous increases in previous years!). The combined consequences of Bills C-75 and C-5 have neutered the ability of our police forces to put away criminals. The catch and release focus has allowed violent criminals to be released on nothing more than their “word” to not do anything “bad” again. And the result? The same violent offenders getting out and committing more violence, culminating in the deaths of many law-abiding Canadians.

People make mistakes. I believe in second chances. But not in 3rd or 4th or 5th chances. If its gang related, not even a second chance. The difference between right and wrong is understood fairly early in life. It’s time to bring back consequences for choices that go against the common good. If you choose not to participate in the social contract, we have places for you. Jail. We need to get rid of these weak policies that go against the common good. Mandatory Minimums need to be increased, not decreased, for violent crime. The wanton destruction and blatant disrespect of our society needs to end.
As Jordan Peterson says, hierarchies exist throughout nature. And in the natural world, members which cannot function within the structure of their society are cast out. In current political terms, it is the Liberal-NDP coalition that broke the social contract by enacting laws that are against the common good of law-abiding Canadians. It’s time to cast them out of office.
Vote to choose a strong candidate that understands the issues and will fight for your values. Vote for Rob Haines in the upcoming candidate nomination election in the Burnaby North – Seymour riding.